Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I'm moving this blog. Eventually, all the posts will be migrated over, but until then check out the new home!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Work and school have been killing me

Honestly, unless you want to see pictures of a messy workspace everyday, not much has been going on that is interesting. I've been busy at work making GIS maps, and my group project at school isn't really a group project anymore. It's the Sarah show. I have a good recap of the rest of March coming in short order, I promise.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 78: Back at School

I'm back to enjoying the scenery in the graduate lounge as I start studying for my midterm this week. Why is this a mural in the business lounge?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 77: I'm still on break, right?

It's been a weird day. I wasn't ready to go back to work, especially after the cool thing that happened last week. I never dread work as much as I have recently, even after a long weekend. That's never a good sign.

I need to keep this short and sweet tonight. I have a midterm on Thursday that the sangria is helping me to studying for.

Spring Break! Days 70-76

Let's be honest for a second. I have no idea what happened when last week, so I'm shoving all of last week into one (somewhat coherent) post.

Johnny and I decided to be adventurous and make tandoori chicken on Monday. It was absolutely amazing!

On Monday and Tuesday, the internet at work was down, which led to a lot of waiting around. Eventually I just decided to work from home.

Campus is extremely beautiful when no one is around.

On Wednesday, I insisted that we go out to celebrate the beginning of spring break (for me, at least). I love to celebrate with Mexican food! Johnny got the nice looking meal; I got the one that looks like Mexican food vomited all over the plate.

The restaurant also had 2-for-1 margaritas and 32 ounce beers. This is where the night both got fun and went downhill. It was no big deal though, because I had a four day weekend. This is also where I run out of pictures...

I spent Thursday working on homework at the library like a true nerd.
On Friday, I went into work to try to win free beer in a contest we were having. I came in second-to-last. I also had lunch with my dad. It's always nice to catch up with family.
Saturday was a low-key day spent in pajamas with coffee and Mad Men. Eventually I got dressed to enjoy corned beef and cabbage with Johnny's family.
Sunday saw a trip south to celebrate the wedding of a good friend from work.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

69/365: Well, someone is a little disgruntled

I found this walking around USF on Sunday. Someone wasn't happy...

68/365: And over by USF...

So, there are some new apartments ging up right across from campus. According to one of my facebook friends, "They're going for that mod unfinished look."