Blurry phone picture fun!
I think I've finally kicked this cold/sinus infection/sickness thing that has been a pain in my side for a week. One of my goals for 2013 is to lose weight, and one of my tactics to reach that goal was to go to the gym for at least 15 minutes every day I don't have night class. Well, I went to the gym twice and then got sick, and once I got sick I fell behind in school. Because I'm a nerd, I can't do anything until I'm caught up in school. It's a dangerous cycle that is hard to break.
Along with the gym, I'm also back to couponing. Johnny and I let our newspaper subscription lapse, and we just never renewed it until the Tampa Bay Times sent us a really good deal. It just shows that the longer you wait, the better the deal gets.
So, tonight during dinner, Johnny asked me how I would feel if we went vegetarian for a week. I'm so excited to do this! I was vegetarian for most of college, and by my senior year I was actually making real food versus pasta, pizza, grilled cheese, and salads. I still make a lot of vegetarian recipes, but because Johnny is a hardcore meat-eater I just add some form of meat to food. It'll be easy on me to go veggie for a week (because it's just cutting out an extra step while making dinner), but I'm interested to see how Johnny makes it. So far, I'm thinking about making my standard curry chili (sans the ground chicken) and baked falafel patties (which Johnny loved when I made them a few months ago). Good thing I'm caught up with reading, because I'll be going through all of my old cookbooks this week.
Do you have any really unique vegetarian recipes I could test out? I'm trying my best to stay away from good ol' pasta dishes (although, expect one during the week).